Free Dispenser Installs

At Taren, we are committed to making your centre or facility run as seamless as possible. That’s why we are excited to offer free dispenser installations for a variety of essential products. Handcare Dis

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Color Coded Cleaning

How Colour Coded Cleaning can make your Childcare Centre safer! Cross-contamination can be a significant problem in any setting, but it is particularly critical in environments where hygiene and cleanline

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Importance of Suncreen

Sun safety is paramount for people of all ages. However, it is the young ones who bear the highest vulnerability to the sun’s potent rays. The primary culprit, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, stands as the chie

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Choosing the Right Glove

In the world of disposable gloves, understanding the distinct features and applications of different types is crucial. We offer a variety of gloves for all kinds of needs. Clear or Blue Vinyl Gloves

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Prepare your Center for Christmas!

Cleaning your childcare centre before the Christmas break is important to create a safe and festive environment for children and staff. Here’s a checklist that you can use as a guide. General Cl

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How to Handle Dishes Correctly

One often overlooked aspect of cleanliness is how dishes are handled. Proper dishwashing and sanitation practices are crucial to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses among both children and staff. He

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Germ Hotspots in Childcare Centres

Childcare Centers are bustling hubs of activity, filled with laughter and play of children. However, they are also hotspots for germs and bacteria that can easily spread and jeopardize the health of the l

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Spring Cleaning

The start of spring is the perfect opportunity to give your childcare facility a deep clean. Who doesn’t love starting a new season with a clean environment. It not only enhances the overall atmosphere but

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Clean and Healthy Bathroom

Clean and Healthy Bathrooms in your Childcare Facility Creating a clean and hygienic environment is essential to implement effective bathroom cleaning strategies. Children’s curiosity often leads to u

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Cleaning Tips for Nappy Changing Areas

One of the most important areas to keep clean is your nappy changing area. Every caregiver has the responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of the little ones in their care, so keeping up with cleanin

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Play Safe! Keep Toys Clean.

Toys serve as a hub of fun and imagination for children. However, they can also harbour germs and bacteria, posing a significant risk to health and well-being. Regularly disinfecting toys is essential in preven

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Keep your Cleaning Equipment Clean!

Everyone knows the importance of cleaning, but what about the equipment that is used for cleaning? Paying attention to cleaning all your tools is crucial to ensure a healthy and safe environment for everyone

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Laundry Products & Their Correct Use

Doing the laundry sounds simple, right? Not always. The wide variety of products can make it overwhelming and hard to figure out which products are the right ones for you and your facility. Maintaining cleanlin

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Steps to a Clean & Germ-Free Facility

Creating a clean and safe environment is crucial for education and care services to promote the health and well-being of children, staff, and visitors. Effective environmental cleaning helps minimise the presen

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Author:  Date Posted:1 February 2023